Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bill Cosby using media outlets

The New York Times reported that Bill Cosby is using media outlets like Facebook and Twitter to promote his new album. Cosby has included 8 outlets on his site Facebook has an application that allows its users to try Cosby’s familiar sweaters. In his album “Cosnerati state of emergency”, the veteran comedian tries to create a more socially conscious hip-hop. I appreciate what Mr. Cosby is trying to do because hip-hop today isn’t like what it used to be. Back in the late 80s early 90s, music that had a message was a popular thing. Yes, there were some rappers that promoted violence and the use of drugs.
But there were also other artists that portrayed a positive message in their music during those times like Tupac and Public Enemy. These artists provided music that contained a positive message. Tupac created a song called “Dear Momma”, which is considered by many to be Tupac's most emotional and most respected song, and is praised by many artists, (Eminem mentions it as his favorite song) even by many artists who are not into the hip hop business. Public Enemy’s song “Fight the Power” had largely served as the political statement of purpose for the group, and is their biggest single.
I feel that this marketing scheme by Cosby could provide him with a younger fan base that would make his music more popular. Being the fact that people who listen to hip-hop today would rather listen to lyrics from popular artists like 50 Cent and lil Wayne. Using media outlets like Facebook and Twitter would bring younger fans to Cosby’s music.

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